The Draft Dodger. A simple mag carrier that rides on a classic H-harness system with a back strap. Building these reminds me of why I designed the BCR1, it solves the mag carrying problem so much better, but as we all know, it’s an expensive solution. The Draft Dodger line is intended to stick magazines to Americans in a simple and inexpensive package without dragging every wiz bang idea to the table. Scalability and modularity is to the wind where concealment and simplicity take the wheel.
3x 556 mags up front, with 2x larger pockets on the flanks for 308 mags, standard disposable water bottles or radios. These larger pockets have tie-ins for shock cord. Tonight they held the champagne of beers.
This system rides on a Brave Castle H-harness mod (minus the hight adjustment at the buckles.)
Classic loop front and hook back pockets create pocket rigidity and allow for the addition of danglers, cat barfs and PC mounting. The back hook panels are canceled by a padded card for belly comfort.
For under the coat concealment or for the stash spot in the truck. Select Services and conscription can suck a fucking dick.
This rig was freestyled from start to finish and is a one of a kind. More like it will come down the pipe, definitely a cathartic thing to build as I consider the destruction of private and polite society. The more they push the more I will build and express my distaste for what the world has become, one piece at a time. 🕊️